Tuesday, February 27, 2007

it won't get boring...

Now I'm really set and almost ready to go. Finally I got a thesis for my research work or let's say I got three theses and have to decide sometime which one I want to work on. The first is about applying discrete event systems to protocol verification, the second one about using a logic model involving formal reasoning about knowledge to describe DES problems and the third and last one is about exploring what stategies could be used to display DES diagrams so that when operations are applied to two DESs, their resulting output maintains some meaning related to the constituent input DESs.
Sounds all really exciting and like a whole lot of work, but I'm still looking forward to going to Canada and I'm sure I'll have a great time there.

But before going there are still some things that have to be done. First of all I'll move all my stuff from Magdeburg to Salzwedel. I don't really know how long I'll stay in Salzwedel, but I guess it won't be too long. Lukily I can stay at my friends appartment in Magdeburg so I might return Monday night or Tuesday. After that there is still the last exam in nonlinear systems and my brother's wedding...

Besides that I just created another blog for my family similar to this one except for the posts being in German. So if you're sick of my English just go ahead and take a look at this link but there will be some differences in content, language and frequency of my postings.

That's it for tonight. Cheers!

1 comment:

katha said...

du hast am layout rumgespielt... ich dachte du wolltest deine Oma besuchen, statt dessen hast du dich wohl eher mit total leckerem Lammbraten bekochen lassen^^

Sieht gut aus!